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The Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador is a collaborative effort of the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Herbarium QCA at Pontificia Unversidad Católica del Ecuador, the Herbario Nacional del Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, Department of Systematic Botany at Aarhus University, and more than 230 specialists world-wide. It is the first comprehensive and complete inventory of the country’s flora. It synthesizes information from more than 2400 references and take into account 220,000 computerized collections. The Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador was published 30 July 1999 and is available in book form through the Missouri Botanical Garden Press.


The Internet version of the Catalogue of Vascular Plants of Ecuador (W3CEC) is organized so that each botanical name has its own page that is linked to other pages. The Catalogue is designed to give users an overview of the plant species found in Ecuador and allows them to easily navigate and browse the information currently available. You may search the Catalogue for any scientific accepted name or from an index of accepted names, family names or all names (incl. synonyms). Each page is assembled from the data in the Catalogue’s production database on demand defined through user queries. Each web page thus represents the latest up-to-date information. Links are provided to images, voucher specimens, maps, and synonyms. Further, links are made to other projects on the Missouri Botanical Garden’s website as Catalogue of Peru, Flora Mesoamericana, Checklist of Panama, and W3TROPICOS. Any part of W3CEC may be updated at anytime as new and more up-to-date information become available. We appreciate being notified about errors and will make every effort to correct and emend the database as soon as possible.

The Catalogue contains data on place of publication and typification, synonymy (as established by the contributors), a list of pertinent references, the habit of the species, the region(s) in which it occurs, its elevational distribution, political distribution, a representative specimen, and a list of infraspecific taxa if such were accepted.

Peter Møller Jørgensen – peter.jorgensen@mobot.org

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