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Sclerocactus mesae-verdae (Boissev. & C. Davidson) L.D. Benson
Name with Basionym (New Combination)
Bayer, 2nd, B, 210
Cactus and Succulent Journal 38(2): 54. 1966. (Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles)) Name publication detail
Taxonomy Browser
    • UNEP-WCMC. 2003. Checkl. CITES Sp. 1–339. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge.View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
    • UNEP-WCMC. 2003. Checkl. CITES Sp. 1–339. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge.View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
    • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. 2005. Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants, Species Information. In Threat. End. Anim. Pl. 2005.
    • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. 2005. Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants, Species Information. In Threat. End. Anim. Pl. 2005.
    • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. 2015. Species Information Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants, 2015. In U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Threat. End. Anim. Pl. 2015.
    • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. 2015. Species Information Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants, 2015. In U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Threat. End. Anim. Pl. 2015.