(Last Modified On 3/20/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/20/2013)
Stillingia Garden ex L.
Mant. P1. 19, 1767.
Perennial herbs, shrubs or small trees, glabrous throughout; monoecious. Leaves alternate, opposite or verticillate, simple, petiolate; usually with glandular filiform stipules and often with 2-3 cyathiform or scutelliform glands at the base of the blade. Inflorescence terminal, spicate, bisexual. Staminate flowers at distal nodes, solitary or in compressed cymules, subtending bracts biglandular; calyx 2-lobed; apetalous; disc absent; stamens 2, the filaments connate at base, the anthers extrorse; pollen grains ellipsoid to spheroid, usually 3-colpate. Pistillate flowers solitary at proximal nodes; sepals 3, usually distinct; petals absent; car- pels 3 or 2, each with 1 ovule, the styles connate at base, simple. Fruit capsular, a hardened gynobase persisting after dehiscence; seed carunculate or not, rugulose or smooth, the endosperm mealy.
herbs, shrubs or small trees
A genus of 25-30 species of the tropics and subtropics. All are from the New World except three in Madagascar and one in Fiji, but only one has been re- ported from Panama and this is known from only two collections.
Rodgers, D. J., A revision of Stillingid in the new World. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 38: 207-259, 1951.