(Last Modified On 10/28/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/28/2012)
Suppl. 158. 1781.
Heliconia hirsuta L. f. loc. cit. 158. 1781. Heliconia marantifolia G. Shaw, Cimel. Phys. 74. t. 38. 1796. Heliconia cannoidea L. C. Rich. in Nova Acta Nat. Cur. 15: Suppl. t. 9-IO. 1831. Heliconia aurantiaca Ghiesbr. ex Lem. in Illustr. Hortic. pl. 332. 1862. Bihaia psittacorum (L. f.) 0. Ktze. Rev. Gen. 2:684. 1891. Bihaia hirsuta (L. f.) 0. Ktze. loc. cit. 1891. Bibaia cannoidea (L. C. Rich.) 0. Ktze. loc. cit. 685. 1891. Heliconia hirsuta var. cannoidea (L. C. Rich.) Baker in Ann. Bot. 7:197. 1893. Bihai aurantiaca (Ghiesbr.) Griggs in Bull. Torrey Club 31:445. 1904. Bihai straminea Griggs, loc. cit. 42:327. 1915. Heliconia straminea (Griggs) Standl. in Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 17:162. 1927.
Slender herbs with the habit of a Canna, 1-3 m. tall; leaves oblong-lanceolate, rounded at the base, rather gradually acuminate, 15-30 cm. long, 6-12 cm. broad; inflorescence erect, the peduncle slender, 3-15 cm. long, minutely puberu- lent to glabrate, the rachis slightly flexuous; bracts narrowly lanceolate, long- acuminate, 3-12 cm. long, 1.0-1.5 cm. broad, sharply ascending in flower, laxly spreading in fruit, membranaceous, minutely puberulent to glabrate, green to yellow or red, frequently variegated; perianth about 2 cm. long, yellow or white tipped with green, minutely puberulent to glabrate; fruits broadly oblongoid, about 1 cm. long and broad, deep blue-purple.
Mexico to Brazil and Peru; Antilles. In lowland forest and thickets, occasion- ally at higher elevations.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Fish Creek, von W/edel 2389. CANAL ZONE: Cafion of Rio Chagres, Dodge d Allen I7343; between Corozal and Ancon, Pittier 6725; Gamboa, Wheeler & Zetek s. n.; Balboa, Standley 25435; Gatu'n, Hayes 90; Miraflores Lake, P. White 240. COCLE: La Mesa, Allen 2692. DARIEN: Chepigana, Terry d Terry 1423. PANAMA: Rio Tecu'men, Hunter d Allen 252; between Panama' and Chepo, Dodge, Hunter, Steyermark Cs Allen i6654; Arraijain, Woodson, Allen d Seibert I355; Matias Hernaindez, Pittier 6787; Juan Diaz, Standley 30626; Rio Tapia, Standley 28085; Alahuela, Pittier 2328. SAN BLAS: Puerto Obaldia, Pittier 4285.
Like all other species of Heliconia, H. psittacorum is highly variable, par- ticularly in the pigmentation of the bracts and flowers. Segregation into varieties, if not species, may be feasible in the future.