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Rourea schippii Standl.
Name of a new Taxon
Lehmann, lower, F, 127
Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington 461(4): 58. 1935. (Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash.) Name publication detail
  • British Honduras: in forest, Rio Grande, alt. 75 m, 28 May 1933
  • W.A. Schipp 1168
  • Belize
  • HT: F-671079
  • - W.A. Schipp 1168; 28 May 1933; Belize: Toledo: Rio Grande, alt. 75 m, in forest, flowers (F-671079; IT: A, BM, BRH, G, GH, K, MO-1048187, NY, P, S - (/A:1048187))
  • William A. Schipp - 1168 - (MO - (BC:MO-112648/A:1048187))
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