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Peperomia bajana Trel. & Yunck.
Name of a new Taxon
Lehmann, lower, D, 53
The Piperaceae of northern South America 2: 581–582. 1950. (Piperac. N. South Amer.) Name publication detail
  • Colombia: Santander: vicinity of La Baja, terrestrial, in oak forest, alt. 3500 m., 14-31 Jan 1927
  • Killip & Smith 18091
  • Colombia
  • HT: US-1353562; IT: GH, ILL, NY
  • - Killip & Smith 18091; 14-31 Jan 1927; Colombia: Santander, vicinity of La Baja, alt. 3500 m (US; IT: GH, ILL)
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